How are you?
Like a lot of us, you could probably use some support.
Maybe the weight of the world (and Zoom life) is giving you concrete shoulders, backaches, jaw tension, headaches, or all of the above. Or the stress of juggling ALL the things AND taking care of yourself is wearing you down. Add to that paying the bills while finding some kind of work-life balance and it's just A LOT.
You’re doing your stretches (kinda) or getting a massage when you can, but the pain and tension is constantly there in the background. You’re stressed. It’s eating away at you and affecting your life. Something has to change.
You’re not alone, friend. So many of us are there as well. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way.
What if you could get a massage IN YOUR OWN HOME, WHENEVER YOU WANT?
Enter: Massage in a Box
The box provides everything you need to get immediate and long-term relief from pain and tension using the traditional technique of cupping. With a step-by-step guide to teach you how to do cupping safely and effectively, you’ll have the ability to give yourself professional-level massage relief whenever you need it.
Too busy to get treatment as much as you’d like? No problem. Not wanting to venture out into the world? We’ve got you. Travel a lot and have a hard time finding practitioners you like wherever you are? Cupping gives you access to relief anywhere and anytime.
Massage in a Box puts the tools in your hands to get relief when you need it most, regardless of your practitioner’s schedule or whether or not you can find a free hour in your busy life. In as little as a few minutes cupping helps you ease tight muscles and relieve pain, helping relieve stress by breaking the vicious cycle of mental strain and body tension. With the box in your self-care kit you’ll be visiting your favorite practitioner because it’s a treat, not a necessity.
… melting the tension off your shoulders in less than five minutes after a long day of computer work or a daily workout.
“I sit at a computer all day. And for my workouts, I lift pretty heavy. My body is generally extremely tight. And it's been such a wonderful experience to be able to just throw the cups on either first thing in the morning or right before bed, and experience the relaxation that comes with that. Especially in my neck and my shoulders. It really loosens everything up, and gives me a lot more mobility.”
“Cupping has been so effective in releasing my shoulder tension caused from working at a computer all day. Cupping is a part of my regular self care that I depend on.”
“...My shoulders tense up and my posture needs work now that I'm at home all day and adjusting to this new lifestyle...It's such a stress reliever and super great that I can do this at home whenever I need to...”
… easing chronic pain with a simple tool you can use anytime.
Multiple research studies out of Brazil, China, Taiwan, Iran and Germany have shown cupping to be effective in relieving chronic pain in the back, neck, and shoulder, as well as pain from osteoarthritis in the knee and carpal tunnel syndrome.
"I’ve had trouble with carpal tunnel since my 20’s when I started working in accounting. A few months ago, my left wrist swelled up and as I was doing a lot of work with data entry, I assumed it was my carpal tunnel giving me grief. I was icing and using heat and stretching for my wrists, but the pain and the swelling would not go down. I ended up using some topicals and then took some Ibuprofen, but I usually do not like to do that as I am not comfortable with the long-term effects of taking analgesics. I decided to explore and see if this was more than just my wrist and as I worked up my arm, I realized it went much further than just my wrist. The pain continued up into my bicep, deltoid and pectoral muscles. I have a body bar for acupressure and a tens unit, so I started with these. Though somewhat helpful I knew I needed something that would work on the deep tissue to get this released. I had recently gotten a Massage in a Box cupping kit from Adrianna at Zocalo Wellness and decided I was going to try and see if it would help. After three 15-minute sessions interspersed with some of the other tools I have it seemed to release the tension and I was as good as new. In the middle of a pandemic, I was able to fix my issues and get back to my business. This was incredibly empowering. I want to send my heartfelt thanks to Adrianna for developing such an amazing product that works. With such a product that can bring us wellness even when we cannot leave the house is well worth having."
...having tools you can use as often as you need to get the relief you want.
Research also shows that receiving cupping and massage multiple times per week shows the most benefit in pain relief. Visiting a practitioner can be a key part of self-care, but who can go weekly or even monthly to see a favorite therapist? Life happens, and having the tools in your hands empowers you to get treatment as often as you need to be truly effective.
For the price of a couple of appointments you can have the power to give YOURSELF a massage every single day. Priceless.
“I think initially I was a little intimidated. But once I realized how easy it is to pop them on there, I probably started using them five times a week. It is definitely something that I take the time to do because it's so easy. I can do it while I'm showering, or brushing my teeth, or taking a little spa day in the bath. But because it doesn't take extra time out of my day and it's so beneficial for me, I use them all the time.”
The takeaway:
When you move through your life without the distraction of nagging pain or stiffness in your body everything changes. You’re not just going through the motions, dragged down by the world, you start to have the capacity to actually enjoy your life.
You show up in your work with more confidence; have more patience with the kids (furry or otherwise); and enjoy rest and play more because your nervous system isn’t overloaded by pain. You feel empowered in your life and your ability to take care of you. That leaves a lot more room for everything else.
There’s a lot of chaos in the world, a lot we can’t control and feel powerless about. Feeling at ease in your body shouldn’t be one of those things. You can have what you need to feel good whenever and wherever.
It’s all about empowering YOU with the ability to get relief no matter what’s going on in the world.
So, what IS cupping?
You may have noticed odd circular marks on celebrities, professional athletes, or your best friend who is suddenly all about this thing called “cupping.” But what is it, exactly?
Cupping is a traditional technique that has been used by people all over the world for thousands of years. A device called a “cup” is used to create negative pressure, AKA suction, over a part of the body the cup covers. This suction draws up the skin, muscles and other soft tissue into the cup. Cups are usually made of glass, plastic or silicone, but bamboo and other materials are also traditionally used. Heat as well as manual or mechanical pumps create the suction.
The cup might stay in one place, or be moved around, depending on what kind of therapy is needed. Cupping has been used to treat all kinds of problems but is commonly utilized to treat pain. Acupuncturists, massage therapists, physical therapists and chiropractors all use cupping in their practices. But cupping is traditionally used by all kinds of people just like you.
What makes cupping different?
I know from years of clinical experience that cupping is different from everything else out there. Other home tools like electric or manual massagers, tools with nubs and knobs that work trigger points, foam rollers, and balls all work by pushing into the muscles and soft tissue. They may give relief, but are often painful as they grind into those tender points. Percussive devices like massage “guns” are geared to athletes and people with a lot of muscle mass, but aren’t necessarily a great option for everyone else. They also miss a key component: they aren’t ideal at addressing the global tension that can build up day-to-day.
Cupping works very differently. It is the simplest tool I’ve found for how consistently well it works at eliminating pain in a wide variety of people. The cups release tension by creating space in the soft tissue by drawing up the skin and muscles so that even the deep tension in the tissue can unwind. Not only do the cups release the muscles, but the fascia as well, opening up circulation and stimulating the body’s healing response while giving tight areas a deep stretch. The result is opening parts of your body, like neck and shoulders, that have been tight with constriction and relieving pain and tension immediately. This means a different kind of relief, one that goes deeper while also being gentle.
Gentle is key because often pain and tension are directly related to stress, which simply means our nervous system is overwhelmed. With the “no pain no gain” approach of conventional massage gadgets we might feel good after using them, but we’re not honoring our nervous system if we’re using a technique that requires us to “grin and bear it” to get relief.
What are those marks?
You may have seen the marks or "kisses" on people who have experienced cupping or gotten them yourself.
Cupping marks are neither good nor bad and they don’t appear on everyone. When they do, how dark they appear is often related to both the intensity of the cupping and the severity of the problem. If they do show up, they generally disappear within a week. And as the pain and tension gets less and less with each cupping session, the marks tend to get lighter and lighter. The marks fade as the body heals.
The beautiful thing about doing cupping on yourself is that YOU get to decide how it goes, including how strong of a treatment you give yourself and whether or not you get marks. You know your body best and what feels good.
But Massage in a Box is much more than cupping. It’s a carefully crafted self-care box that is as luxurious as it is practical. It’s a spa day and a hug all wrapped up in one.
Massage in a Box includes:
There are lots of different cups out there and many of them are not worth your time and money. From cheap plastic cups that require a pump to create suction (and often don’t work consistently) to many retailers of poor-quality silicone cups made with fillers that both reduce the life of the cups and expose you to harmful chemicals. I’ve made sure to source cups made of high-quality material of the same grade used in baby bottle nipples and cooking utensils. It is 100% pure silicone that is safe to use on your body, soft enough to avoid bruising and be easy to use, but strong enough to go as deep as you need.
I include a set of 12 cups of all different sizes and shapes, the ones I know from clinical experience are the most useful for you at home. This means being able to cup almost anywhere on your body, from small areas like your forearm (to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome) to large areas like the back and thighs. The different shapes give you flexibility to try different cupping techniques to get just the right fit for what you need.
Most cupping sets only give you up to four cups. Ours includes a set of eight cups with two each of four sizes so you can work bilaterally. I also include two cups of a different shape that increase the versatility of the set so you can cup even more areas with ease.
The box includes a simple, step-by-step, 30 minute video guide that you can watch any time in a members-only online forum, as well as email support as-needed. The videos are broken down into four parts that include a live cupping demonstration, various techniques to use the cups, cupping on neck, back, arms and legs, and all the considerations you need to keep in mind to cup safely and effectively. You’ll have lifetime access to these resources and FAQ videos that we are continually updating.
After watching the videos you’ll be ready to get cupping and feel relief immediately. Once you’re familiar with the simple technique you’ll be able to cup yourself in just a few minutes. You can cup as often as you need from daily to monthly.
Cupping is so easy and effective that you don’t have to be a professional to do it. In the time it takes to make an appointment you can already be feeling relief with a few minutes of cupping. You don’t need to find a big chunk of time in your day to feel so much better.
Let’s be real, living with pain and tension is expensive. You pay the cost in sleep lost, in missing out on fun and joy with family and friends, or in not being able to pursue your goals like you want.
It takes a lot of energy, time and money to live with pain and tension.
Let’s reclaim those resources right now and invest instead in your self-care.
It can be intimidating to take the tools into your own hands. We’re taught to let others be the experts of our bodies. But nobody knows your body like you. Massage in a Box gives you the tools and support you need to feel your best, but the power has always and will always be yours.
With less tension and pain you’ll be showing up to work Zoom meetings feeling calm and clear, have more patience for the family, and be able to focus on what you love instead of the gnawing feeling you’ve gotten so used to in your body. And having the tools to give yourself relief whenever you need it will give you a whole new level of confidence. Nothing can stop empowered you from living your life fully.
Massage in a Box has everything you’ll need to feel renewed in your body, including a detailed video guide, high quality silicone cups, herbal massage oil, soaking salts, beautiful original art, and live support. Every part of the box is sourced with careful attention as locally and sustainably as possible, so you can feel good about every single part of this experience.
Can I really do cupping on myself?
Absolutely! Cupping is completely safe to use on yourself, and has been used for thousands of years as a home remedy. You know your body better than anyone, including the professionals. With the video guide and live call included in the Box we give you plenty of support to use cupping confidently at home.
What’s the time commitment? What does this look like exactly?
Initially set aside 30-45 minutes to go through the video guide and an additional 30 minutes to try the cups for the first time. As you get more comfortable with cupping you will be able to use the cups in as little as a few minutes, fitting them in throughout your day.
What if I have questions?
You’ll always have access to professional support via email, please drop me a line whenever you have a question! I want you to feel empowered and comfortable using cupping in everyday life.
Who isn’t this for?
Even though cupping is appropriate for most people there are still some situations where it isn’t advised. Although cupping is a great treatment for muscle pain during pregnancy, it is better to work with a trained practitioner. The same is true for children. In addition, caution needs to be taken for folks who are elderly or recovering from debilitating illness. If you have questions about your particular situation contact us at
This guide is also not a professional training for practitioners who want to do cupping on clients.
Can I give this as a gift?
YES!! Just get in touch with us at or 503-383-9555.
What happy customers are saying:
"Massage in a Box has been a really wonderful resource for me during the pandemic when healing sessions haven't been accessible for me. Your videos made it easy for me to see how to use the cups, and now they are a tool in my self care plan for my nervous system and tight, stiff or achy muscles. Thanks for putting this together!”
“I love cupping because it feels like it gets to the deepest places where I hold stress and tension in my body. The release is amazing!”
"I love integrating cupping into my regular healthcare - it's like the cups vacuum out tension and pain and leave me feeling strong and more connected in my body."
Let me tell you a story...
Late one night after a long day on the computer my eyes couldn’t focus anymore and my head was buzzing. I could feel the headache creeping in. As I dragged my grumpy self into the bathroom to get ready for bed I happened to look over to the sill of the shower and saw my set of silicone cups. And I suddenly remembered:
“I don’t have to feel this way.”
Two short minutes later after throwing on some cups while I brushed my teeth my headache, the haze, and my overwhelm had melted away.
This is why I made Massage in a Box: so people like you who care deeply about their wellbeing, and also deeply about the world, could have this same quick and easy relief whenever they needed it. Because we need you, as your whole, happy self. When you feel good in your body it doesn’t just benefit you, it benefits everyone you come into contact with.
And let’s be honest. It’s time to invest in you, to treat yourself. To actually just DO THE THING that will help you feel amazing. No more putting off your self-care for one more minute.
You deserve to feel good. So let's do this!
Check out these videos for more examples of using your cups for low back pain, neck/shoulder pain, chest tension, coughs, anxiety, jaw pain, and more.